Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I have a giant cyst- I have named her Big Bertha

Today was my day 3 blood work and ultra sound to be sure I have no cysts. 

I have a 20mm cyst- most likely Corpus Luteum Cyst to be exact. 

I say most likely because I am on Clomid and Clomid is known to make Corpus Luteum Cysts.

This morning my doctor and I discussed how much pain I am in right now and then he did my ultra sound. That's when Big Bertha was located residing taking over on my right ovary.

Dr. S said I needed to have my blood work done. If my new friend Big Bertha was producing hormones this cycle was to be cancelled until Big Bertha left. So off I went to get blood work and fret for over 6 hours about whether or not this cycle was a bust prior to even beginning. 

Dr. S and I also talked about my progesterone- or rather lack of progesterone. Dr S. has decided that I will start progesterone vaginal suppositories after IUI. 

Thankfully I just received word that Big Bertha is non hormone producing - so ding ding ding we are go for Clomid Round 3. 

150mg days 3-7- however since I wasn't allowed to start Clomid today I will start tomorrow -technically my day 4. 

Dexamethasone until I am pregnant .25 mg daily. 

Progesterone Suppositories after ovulation. 

Metformin was discontinued.. I don't think I ever wrote about my fun side affects due to this drug- needless today it wasn't working out and we parted ways. 

*Please. Please. Please Please be the magic mix of medications to get us our happy ending* 

Dr. S and I briefly touched on injectibles today. Basically I will have a much more in depth lesson and meeting about them if it comes to them.

More than likely we will also have to take a break cycle after this one because I'm producing a lovely Big Bertha and they are afraid I may continue to produce Big Bertha's siblings. 

Since Im returning to happy- optomistic- begining a new cycle Kasey- lets not start to think about that right now. IUI # 3 is gonna be the cycle. 3rd times the charm mi amigos! 

In review- my ovary feels like I'm being stabbed because of Big Bertha. My uterus is shedding a 10mm lining. And I am about to start another round of 150mg Clomid. 

Ding. Ding. Ding let the fun begin.

What Big Bertha probably looks like right now- ya know in case you were all wondering about my ovaries today..

1 comment:

  1. Trust & believe - just buy tons of pantyliners now for when you start the Endometrin... and make sure you always have some with you.

    The good thing about the cyst (and the fact it's non-hormone producing) is that it means your body is reacting with some progesterone after ovulation. I had a 30 or 33mm one in my BFP cycle, and that's where mine came from, too.
