Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Stork Award

The lovely Risa from Who Shot Down My Stork nominated me with "The Stork Award". The amazing Teresa from Where The Bleep Is Our Stork designed this new award for us. I mean come on! How creative and amazing! I love The Stork Award. I love the picture as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure it may become the inspiration for another tattoo in the future- wow what they say about tattoo's is right they are addictive and I haven't even gotten my first one done yet LOL. 

For me hummingbirds mean hope and life. For our family every time we see a hummingbird we think of it as our Grandma coming to visit us from heaven. So for me this hits super close to home because hummingbirds already hold so much hope for me. More than that my Gram was a huge Maya Angelo fan and the quote holds a special place in my heart. 

My Gram's sister- My Aunt Sis that I wrote about that was sick, passed away peacefully this weekend. I know that she is at peace now and I know that she is in Heaven reunited with my Gram and all the others that we have lost from this life. I'm glad that she has passed on peacefully and is no longer in pain. 

Thank you again Risa I love these awards and this one more so than any other because another fellow blogger created it and it holds such a special place in my heart. 

How it works:
1. Include the Stork Award icon in your post
2. Link to the person(s) who nominated you
3. Answer the 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate as many bloggers as you want to receive the award 
5. Ask your nominees 10 new questions 
6. Link your nominees and let them know they've been nominated
7. Post the Stork Award icon on your blog side bar if you are so inclined

My questions for you girls are:

1. What is your favorite recipe? My favorite recipe is my Mama's Gravy. I did a blog post about it and shared the recipe if you would like to steal it :) 

2. What do you do for a living? I am a 911 dispatcher/hospital communicator and an EMT. We answer 911 medical calls only for local municipalities. We hold a special certification to provide pre hospital medical instruction over the phone prior to EMS arriving on the scene. We are the ones that help before the help gets there with only our words. My center is hospital based and anyone that leaves to go to another hospital, extended care facility, rehab or even home that requires transport via a stretcher or wheelchair goes through us. We do a ton of other shit that I won't bore anyone with, but there is never a dull moment at my job that is for sure. 

3. What is your favorite hobby? I love to write and read what others have already written. Is cooking a hobby too? If so I love love love to cook as well. 

4. Describe your spouse/partner in three words. My Best Friend 

5. What is your favorite book? Or, movie? Wild:From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. Read this book! Seriously.. 

6. How has the Internet affected your life? I have met some of the most amazing people via the internet. Some of my best friendships developed because I met women online and continued our friendships to real life. On the internet I don't have to worry about being awkward in person or my social anxiety. On the internet I can meet people just like me from everywhere - I have friends across the country now because of the internet. In fact this weekend I am doing an internet friend meet up with some of my best friends we all met one another on an online forum! '

7. If you could change careers tomorrow, what would you do? Be an author :) 

8. What is one long-term goal of yours (more than three months)? No fair saying being a mother. I would love to be able to put our house on the market and find something better suited for us. 

9. Who was the last person you called? My Mom- my Aunt Sis was her God Mother so this loss hits her very hard. Im going to spend the day with her today. 

10. What is your worst habit? It has to be my nervousness. I am seriously nervous about EVERYTHING.. it drives my husband nuts. I need to take a breath and let the nerves go. 

My Nominations- (sorry if you were previously nominated I didn't research much just going with who I would love to hear from :) 

Charity - The Word of A Nerd 
Marcy - The Sensitive Ginger 
Anne - The Second Bedroom
Caroline- In Due Time 
Megs - Work is for Suckers 

My questions- 

1- What is your dream vacation?

2- Do you have any regrets in life? Would you redo something differently if you could? 

3- What is your favorite thing to do to distract yourself? 

4- What makes your family special? Any rituals or holiday plans that are special to just your family? 

5- What are you doing for the holidays? 

6- Are you a coffee drinker? (I need my second cup now) 

7- Do you live in your dream home? If not what would you change about it or add to it? 

8- Do you rather host parties or attend parties? 

9- Which season is your favorite? Why? 

10- If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and what would you talk about? 


  1. Aww what a sweet post. You have mentioned your Mama's gravy before I have to check it out. Oh and I hope I pray your dream of writing can be fulfilled in some way. You are wonderful at what you do. Thanks for the nomination.

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I'll have to come back and do this :) I wanted to share this image, though, because it made me think of you: http://tinypic.com/r/15ea1iu/5

    1. Aww love it! I can't wait to get it done maybe next week while I am still on vacation!

    2. Glad you like it! Can't wait to see the tat :)

  3. Thanks, Kasey! Wild is amazing. Looooved it. It made me cry (in a good way).

    1. I loved it too! And yes tears in a good way for sure! After reading it I wanted to go conquer the trail myself!

  4. Thanks for the nomination. Great questions!

  5. I nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award! ;-)
