Monday, September 23, 2013

IUI 5- Go For Launch!

 The title of this really doesn’t leave much to the imagination- as you can see, despite all of the ups and downs and the crazy roller coaster ride that this cycle took us on, we ARE moving forward with IUI # 5 on Wednesday morning.

The Nitty Gritty of IUI #5 as of this mornings appointment-

Right Ovary- 16mm

Left Ovary- 19mm & 16mm follicles

Lining- 14mm (14!!)

After not thinking any of my follicles were going to mature and after multiple medications adjustments we now have 3 pretty mature follicles and an amazing lining.  

What does this mean- well there is a chance of multiples- and my APN and doctors wanted me to be fully aware of it. We had a good talk about this cycle and how all over the place it has been and then I talked to DH and together we all collectively decided to move forward despite the chance of triplets.

Its a slim chance since I have had multiple failed IUI's with multiple follicles in the past. Its pretty much all in God's hands and that is the only way I can look at it.

This quote from Joel Osteen left me with some peace about our choice this morning-

"Nothing can happen without God's permission and God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it. If you will keep your peace, you'll pass the test, and God will bring you out better than you were before."

As we move forward it will be in peace.

So tonight I will trigger with Ovidrel at 9:30pm and Wednesday Rob will do his part and my IUI will be around 09:30am.

I have acupuncture scheduled for 10:30am and I am off for the rest of the day so I plan on having a peaceful calm day hoping and praying that my uterus becomes a nice comfy-cozy residing place for a baby or two.

I also am planning acupuncture 7DPO IUI for *hopefully* the day of or close to implantation.

I feel very lucky that we even made it to IUI at all. It did not seem promising when we first started this cycle. I also feel very hopeful that this is our cycle and our chance to get our BFP.

I can not possibly thank you all enough for all your prayers and well wishes as we move forward in this cycle!! I feel you all rooting for us and lifting us up in your thoughts and prayers and I greatly appreciate it all.

IUI 5- Go For Launch!!


  1. IUI a go-go! I will say a prayer for you at 9:30 that everything is sucessful.

  2. I'll be thinking of you Wednesday!! I'm so excited that this cycle is moving forward :)

    1. Thank you so much Anne :) Im excited too I didn't think it was going to happen this month!

  3. Me too, I will be thinking of you Wednesday! Good luck!

  4. ahh girl extra prayers for you on Wednesday! Very exciting (clearly I'm behind on my blogs, as I didn't realize your other post was from yesterday) :)

  5. Yay! I am so happy for you that you are able to move forward with this cycle! Prayers sent your way that one (or 2!!) of those beautiful follies will turn into your precious baby/babies!

    1. Thank you so much Kristine! How are you makng out??

    2. Good luck today Kasey! Thinking of you and sending lots of baby vibes :)
      I go in for another u/s today, at the last one the follicles hadn't really grown. Hopefully today will give me an answer either way. Thanks for asking :)

    3. Thanks Kristine! Things went wonderfully! Thinking of you grow grow grow!!

  6. Oh you are in my prayers friend. I also did five IUI's there was always a chance for multiples for me and after all that we had gone through that was the last thing in my mind. Prayers for a successful IUI and pregnancy. Please relax as much as you can.

    1. Thank you so much Charity!! I don't think I would think about it at all if one of my best friends didn't just have twins. I know our handa will be full- but our hearts will be fuller :)

  7. Thinking of you and hoping all goes well!! :)

  8. Yay! I will be praying for you guys!

  9. Wonderful news! I'll be sending you positive vibes on Wednesday!

  10. What an amazing turn around after the rocky start of this cycle. A true example of why not to lose hope when things look bad at first. Hoping this is the one for you!

    1. Exactly always have to keep hope alive even when it seems like such a lost cause! Hoping this is our cycle as well! Thank you!

  11. Hi Kasey, thank you for supporting me on my blog. I wish you all the luck in the world during this IUI. I remember being in your shoes very well and it's all so much a balancing act. Do you hope or do you protect your heart? Find somewhere in between - cautiously optimistic. Your lining looks good and cozy, so that is a great sign. Thinking of you as Wednesday creeps closer!

    1. Cautiously optimistic is a very good way to describe it. I really am hopeful this cycle looks good so why not!

  12. Holy 14 mm lining! I am super duper jealous. That only happens in people's wildest dreams. I'm thinking very good thing about this cycle for you!

    1. I know! Prime baby implanting goodness! I wish I could send some to share with you all!! Ive never had 14mm Im thinking this is the cycle!! Praying it is!!

  13. I was thinking the same thing about your super lining!

    Good luck!!! :-)

    1. Thank you! It really is the perfect lining I couldn't be happier!!

  14. Yay! good luck tomorrow and have a beautiful relaxing day!

  15. I am passing along some good energy to you! Stay relaxed!

  16. Praying praying praying!!!!!!!! Keep us posted!! I will be following this!!!!!! Happy ILC Week!

    1. Thank you for praying things went very well today!!
