Sunday, November 3, 2013

Snap Shot Sunday- #NoExcuses

My first run in about 9 months. I didn't think about anything at all. I just focussed on running and breathing.. one foot in front of the other... 


  1. Ahh! I'm sure that felt amazing! Good job! I appreciate so much more the ability to work out after I have been on "bed rest" or some other restriction for infertility treatments.

  2. Thanks it felt great I didn't realize how much I missed running until I was really out there!

  3. Sometimes that's the best therapy, isn't it? Hope you had a great run and that better days are ahead!

    1. It really is- some fresh air and I scrubbed my refrigerator.. cleaning always helps

  4. Awesome! I need to get back into that, although running and my body don't always see eye to eye.

    Have fun with it!

    1. My body is so not made to run, but getting out there and proving my body wrong is so important. Its the one thing I've missed since starting at the RE

  5. Great job! I'm going to be starting the couch to 5k program..any tips for starting a running program? I gained a lot of weight when I was going through infertility and I've lost about 25lbs, but I still have 50lbs to go to my goal weight. Some days it seems hopeless...

    1. I know what you mean. I've gained 10 more lbs in the last month. I think the best advice for running I have is make sure you spend extra money to get good shoes. Lots of places will size you and tell you what kind of gait you have. The next is to take your time when I first started running I would repeat weeks over and over until I felt comfortable with them. Don't focus on your actual pace it doesn't matter what matters is getting out there and doing if. Find a local 5k in your area, sign up and do it. Even if you have to walk some just go out and do it:) let me know how you make out I have pledged to myself to get 3 runs in a week as long as the doctors are okay with it. Some fertility meds will put you lifting and moving restrictions.

  6. You go girl!! I am so proud of you!!

  7. Good for you! physical activity is so healthy for body and mind.
