It has been awhile since I've updated. I'm so sorry for that, but life has been hectic and crazy lately. There is so much to update you all on, but most important is that the babies and I have reached 22w4d today and are healthy and happy! Some of the important things to catch you all up on-
-We are being blessed with two little boys <3 <3 Jonathan Carmine and Robert Joseph Jr<3
- For 16 weeks I suffered from hyperemesis (aka vomitting a alot), and only gained 2lbs so far in my pregnancy. Thankfully even with only a 2lb gain our boys are measuring 13oz and 11oz (as of our 20week scan) which is right on target with a singleton pregnancy!
-We are all still healthy with no complications.
-I am still working full time and even pulling some overtime hours here and there
Thank you all for checkin in on us and keeping up today<3 It means a lot that people are always thinking and praying for us! I promise to do a better job of keeping everyone up to date :) xoxo